21. Hey gopalaka ,Hey kripa-jalanidHe ,Hey sindhu-kanya-pate
Hey kamsantaka ,Hey
gajendra-karuna-parina, Hey madhava
Hey ramanuja ,Hey jagat-traya-guro
,Hey pundarikaksha mam
Hey gopijana-natha palaya param
janami na tvam vina
1. Gopala – One who protects, cow herd, king
2. Kripa-jalanidHe – Ocean of compassion
3. Sindhu-kanya-pate – Husband (pathi) of the daughter of the ocean of milk ( Ksheerabdhi) – Lakshmi
4. Kamsantaka – One who killed Kamsa
5. Gajendra-karuna-parina – One who was compassionate towards Gajendra and protected him
6. Madhava – Krishna
7. Ramanuja - Younger brother of BalaRama
8. Jagat-traya-guro – Head of the three worlds
9. Pundarikaksha – Lotus eyed Lord
10. Gopijana-natha – Lord of the cowherds (Gopi’s)
11. Palaya – protect
12. Maam - me
13. Param – other than
14. Janami – I do not know
15. Na tvam vina - none other than you
In this verse Azhwar expresses to Lord
Ranganatha that he does not know anybody other than the Lord himself as the
protector. He then describes the names of the Lord as Gopala – the protector of
the cowherds the Gopas and Gopis as the Govardhan Giridhari, Ocean of
compassion, Maha Lakshmi’s pathi – husband, One who killed Kamsa, One who gave
moksha to Gajendra, One who was born after Balarama, King of the three worlds
(three lokas Sathya loka, Bhu Loka and Pathala Loka), One whose eyes are like
the lotus and, Lord of the cow herds
1. 22. Bhaktapaya-bhujanga-garuda-manis
Sreyo deva-sikha-manir disathu no
1. Bhaktapaya-bhujanga-garuda-mani – The Jewel who
comes on the Garuda to protect his devotees afflicted with the difficulties
that seems as the serpents
2. Trailokya-raksha-mani – Jewel who is the protector
the three worlds
3. Gopi-lochana-chatakambuda-mani – Jewel as the rainy
clouds of the skylark or Chatak bird like the fluid in the eyes of the cowherd
4. Saundarya-mudra-mani – Jewel the sign of beauty
5. Yaha - whoever
6. Kanta-mani - Rukmini-ghana-kucha-dvandvaika-bhusha-mani
– Jewel in between the breasts of Rukmini Thaayaar
7. Saha – That Lord Krishna
8. Naha – Us
9. Sreyas -
Deva-sikha-mani – Jewel of paramount of the
1 11. Gopala-chuda-mani – King of the cowherds
Kulasekara Azhwar in this verse describes Krishna in many
ways. One who comes on Garuda to the rescue of the devotees whose difficulties
are like the serpent, who is the protector of the three worlds, whose
appearance makes the cowherd women happy like the rain filled clouds make the
Chataka bird (Skylark) happy. He further
says let Lord Krishna who is as a beautiful sapphire stone lying down between
the breasts of Rukmini Devi and is the paramount jewel of the Devas and king of
the innocent cowherds men protect us all.
23. Satru-cchedaika-mantram sakalam
samuchita-tamasah sangha-niryana-mantram
Jihve sri-krishna-mantram japa japa sathatham
1. Satru-cheda eka-mantram – Only mantra to destroy
the enemies
2. Sakalam upanishad-vakya-sampujya-mantram – The
mantra that has been described as the most sacred in the Upanishads
3. Samsaroccheda-mantram – The mantra that removes
the attachment to ocean of samsara – family bondage
4. Samuchita-tamasah sangha-niryana-mantram – The
mantra that removes ignorance
5. Sarvaisvaryaika-mantram – The mantra that gives
all kinds of wealth
6. Vyasana-bhujaga-sandashta-santhrana-mantram –
The mantra that cures the worldly difficulties that pose as a serpent
7. Jihve – Oh tongue
8. Sathatham - Always
Sri-krishna-mantram – The name of Sri Krishna
Japa japa – Keep reciting
Janma-saphalya-mantram - The
mantra that gives the fruit of this life
Kulasekara Azhwar in this verse explains the greatness of
Sri Krishna mantram and says the tongue should always recite it. He further
says that Krishna mantram is the only mantram that destroys the enemies and is
described as the most sacred in the Upanishads. Krishna mantram removes
ignorance, gives all kinds of wealth and cures worldly difficulties and gives
the fruit of life.
24. Vyamoha-prasam aushadham
tri-bhuvane sanjivanaikaushadham
Bhaktatyanta-hitaushadham bhava-bhaya-pradhvamsanaikaushadham
Sreyah-prapti-karaushadham piba
manah sri-krishna-divyaushadham
1. Vyamoha-prasam aushadham – medicine that cures
the thought of chasing worldly pleasures
2. Muni-mano-vritti-pravritty-aushadham – medicine
that makes the sages love reciting the name of Lord Krishna
3. Daityendrarti-karaushadham – medicine that gives
endless trouble to the asuras as Kalanemi
4. Tri-bhuvane Sanjivanaikaushadham – Cures the
difficulties of the devotees in the three worlds
Bhaktatyanta-hitaushadham – medicine that is
beneficial to the devotees
Bhava-bhaya-pradhvamsanaikaushadham – medicine
that removes the fear of worldly existence
Sreyah-prapti-karaushadham – medicine that gives
prosperity to the devotees
Piba manah sri-krishna-divyaushadham - Oh mind drink the name of Lord Sri Krishna
Lord Krishna is said to be the doctor and
medicine in this verse as “Maruththuvanaai
ninra Manivanna”. He is the one who cures the thought of chasing worldly
pleasures, makes the sages love reciting the name of Lord Krishna, gives
endless trouble to the asuras as Kalanemi, removes the fear of worldly
existence and gives prosperity to the devotees. Kulsekar Azhwar in this verse
commands the mind to keep drinking the name of Lord Krishna and derive the
benefits of his grace and be rid of all troubles in life.
25. Amnayabhyasanany aranya-ruditham veda-vrathany
Medas-cheda-phalani purtha-vidhayah
sarvam hutam bhasmani
Tirthanam avagahanani cha
gaja-snanam vina yat-pada-
Dvandvambhoruha-samsmritim vijayate devah sa

Kulasaekara Azhwar in this verse emphasizes that doing
anything without the name of SrKrishna and thinking and praying to him is
wasteful and explains with examples.
One who recites the vedas without Sri Krishnas thoughts is like
lamenting and weeping in the forest where none can help solve the problem
2. Practicing rituals like the vedas without
praying to the lotus feet of the lord will dry up ones muscles
Doing good deeds like building rest houses,
providing water to the public, without the thought of the lord is like pouring
sacrificial ghee on ashes and not the fire of the homam
Bathing in holy rivers as the Ganga is
unsatisfactory as the elephant bathing
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